Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cory's class night 2

Arrived about an hour early for class so we could work obedience.  Decided to set up the scent articles in the same position as yesterday, but stay close to the pile and only put out one type at a time.  Cory continued to have issues with picking up the first, bringing it back or part way back to me, then dropping it and going back to the pile and starting random grabs.  Initially he appears to continue working the pile, but each subsequent time he works less and eventually is just grabbing with no scenting.  Also a few times he left the pile to offer go out behavior, so I think the position is a big factor in confusing him.  Dropped the turn and send, went back down to just two articles, he improved for a rep or two  but then started the grab again and continued to have issues.  Eventually turned around and sent towards the gate for just two articles, at this point he seemed to have given up working and was just doing random grabs.  Decided to abandon for the time being and start fresh another day;  Diane's suggestion was to drop the t/s and front, go down to just two articles, and not ask for a retrieve at all until he was giving a strong indication.  Think we will try that although I may not do the two article part as my dogs always seem to have understood the difference better with more.

Worked sit stay for 5 minutes with me outside the ring, his back to adjacent ring and a fair amount of activity.  Laid down almost immediately, had to go back and reposition, he then held well without moving the rest of the time.

For class we worked primarily on serpentines, he actually did fairly well though he slaloms them so tightly he has a tendency to knock the upright.  Our major issue was coming out of th serpentine and sending on without a spin;  I still am tending to be late with cues.

Robbie came in for a very brief heeling session after class;  he did ok but not maintaining attention quite as well as last week, crabbing quite a bit.  Started working him on a touch to the stanchion;  was getting a good one from about 3 feet back but with barking.  Worked a couple of recalls, he is blasting in really fast, getting a front though crooked and bonking me with his nose, but not really jumping up anymore.  Worked on calling to front from about 6 feet different angles and he is improving rapidly there. 

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